About Jonathan De Vita
Jonathan De Vita holds a BSc (Hons) degree in computer science from Lancaster University. This qualification provides a broad and rigorous foundation in computer science using practical and theoretical learning approaches. Experience and skills are gained through a range of modules including Information Systems, Software Development, and Digital Systems. Ethical, social and professional issues related to the discipline are also studied, forming part of a group project intended to give students vital experience of real-world computing. As part of his degree studies, Mr De Vita also examined the field of artificial intelligence and coding using specialist coding languages such as C++.

Understanding Psychology
Mr De Vita has a strong general interest in psychology and has always had the ability to understand how things work, whether its the logical structure of machines or the landscape of the human mind. Through his work with technology, he has become increasingly fascinated with psychology, coming to the conclusion that the best tech isn’t just about raw power but rather its ability to connect with the thought processes and needs of those who use it. Whether it’s designing a seamless new user interface or building a digital productivity tool, an understanding of psychology informs Mr De Vita’s approach.

Modern Technology
A love of consumer electronics is a natural extension of these passions for Mr De Vita; he appreciates how they fuse the latest technology with the potential to change the way we live. He is inspired by the continual evolution seen in this field and how consumer electronic devices alter the way we interact with the world around us. Mr De Vita’s background in computer science gives him a unique perspective on how these devices function, while his interest in psychology allows him to recognise their wider impact on users’ behaviour and experiences.

Hobbies & Interests
To relax, Mr De Vita likes to cook (particularly British and Italian cuisine) and enjoys playing golf, badminton and spinning. He’s a keen reader, citing his favourite book as The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, which takes the form of a series of letters written by a senior demon called Screwtape to his nephew. Although a work of fiction, the novel addresses theological issues relating to temptation and resistance to it.
Travel is another of Mr De Vita’s passions and he has done so extensively. To date, he has visited Italy, Spain, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Barbados, Portugal, the Dominican Republic and the United States.